eSolutions Payer List
Enrollment Fax#: (913) 273-2455
1199 National Benefit Fund13162 835Click Here     Enrollment applies to ERA only and is not necessary prior to sending claims.
1199 National Benefit FundCR275 None         
1st Auto & CasualtyJ1585None     Applicable to MN only. Payer returns ERAs automatically once electronic claim submission begins.
2020 Eyecare2020E None         
21st Century Insurance41556None       
22125 Roscoe Corp.41556None       
32 BJ Health FundCX076 None        
6 Degrees Health, Inc.20446 None        
90 Degree Benefits - Covenant Administrators, Inc. - Atlanta, Georgia58102 835Click Here    Enrollment applies to ERA only and is not necessary prior to sending claims.
A & I Benefit Plan Administrators93044 None       
A. W. Holdings LLC dba BenchmarkJ1976None       
AAA Minnesota11983None     Applicable to MN only. Payer returns ERAs automatically once electronic claim submission begins.
AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah Insurance Exchange41556None       
AARPAARP None        
AARP Dental Insurance PlanAARP1 835Click Here     Enrollment applies to ERA only and is not necessary prior to sending claims.
AARP Medicare Complete87726 835Click Here    Enrollment applies to ERA only and is not necessary prior to sending claims.
AARP United Healthcare Supplemental Plan Only36273 835Click Here    Enrollment applies to ERA only and is not necessary prior to sending claims.
ABC Const. Company41556None       
AblePay Health ABLPY 835Click Here     Enrollment applies to ERA only and is not necessary prior to sending claims.
Absolute Total CareCR289 None        
Absolute Total Care - South Carolina68069 835Click Here    Enrollment applies to ERA only and is not necessary prior to sending claims.
Acadia Insurance CompanyJ1477None     Payer returns ERAs automatically once electronic claim submission begins.
Access Administrators (California)TLZ17 None        
Access Administrators (Texas)AHS01 None       
Access Dental Plan - All Plans91185 None         
Access Health Services - Arkansas Superior Select61184 None        
Access IntegraINTEG 835Click Here      Enrollment applies to ERA only and is not necessary prior to sending claims.
Access IPAACC01 None      Payer returns ERAs automatically once electronic claim submission begins.
Access Medical Group AMG02 None       Former payer ID AMM06.
Access Santa Monica (Access Medical Group)AMG02 None       Former Payer ID AMM06
Accident Fund Insurance Co of AmericaJ1790None     Payer returns ERAs automatically once electronic claim submission begins.
Acclaim IPAIP095 None       Payments are issued by the actual payer.
Acclaim IPA (MHCAC)IP095 None       Payments are issued by the actual payer.
Accountable HealthCare IPA AHIPA None       Payments are issued by the actual payer. Previous payer ID MPM23.
Accountable IPAAHIPA None       Payments are issued by the actual payer. Previous payer ID MPM23.
Accuride CorporationJ1024None     Applicable to MN and TX only. Payer returns ERAs automatically once electronic claim submission begins.
Ace Property & Casualty Ins Co41556None       
Ace Property & Casualty Ins. Medicare Supplement (Remits Only)Z96821 835Click Here        
ACIG Insurance CompanyJ1578None     Applicable to MN and TX only. Payer returns ERAs automatically once electronic claim submission begins.
ACS Benefit & Consulting Services, Inc.72467 835Click Here    Enrollment applies to ERA only and is not necessary prior to sending claims.
ACS Benefit & Consulting Services, Inc.CR485 None         
ACS Benefit Services61474 None        
ACS Benefits / Payer CompassPA331 None       
Activa Benefit Services, LLC 38255 None      Formerly Amway Corp. / Dental
Active Care, IncJ3840None       
ActivHealthCareAHC01 None        
Actuarial - Employee Benefit Services Benovation (Enhanced)CE058 None         
Actuarial Management Resources - Remits Only56693 835Click Here        
Acuity, A Mutual Insurance Company J1240None       
AD-COMPJ1667None     Payer returns ERAs automatically once electronic claim submission begins.
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